What is a Morph?

Morph is a system that enables players to Morph or Shapeshift in another form. Click Morph in the Main Menu to set up the Morph System.

  • Choose between Morph and Shapeshifting.
  • Choose the type of Morph.
  • Choose the form to turn into.
  • The chosen form can be set as the Designated Morph.
  • Turn into the chosen form instantly.


Morph is a morphing skill specialized in traveling faster. The Dash Morph is for the ground, the Glide Morph is for the air, and the Aquatic Morph is for underwater traveling.

Dash Morph

  • This form enables to move faster on the ground.
  • Press the Shift key or click the Mouse Wheel button while moving to turn into the designated dash form instantly.
  • Pres Shift + W, A, S, D to accelerate.
  • The stamina is spent while accelerating, and when you run out of stamina, you will be exhausted.
  • Click the Mouse Wheel button or press Shift twice to cancel the Morph.

Glide Morph

  • This form enables to move faster in the air.
  • Jump from high ground and press the Space key to turn into the designated form instantly.
  • Press W to accelerate.
  • The stamina is spent while gliding, and even more stamina is used while accelerating. Once you run out of stamina you will be exhausted.
  • Press Space key to move upward, but the move will cost additional stamina.
  • Glide Morph will be canceled when the character is too close to the ground.
  • Click the Mouse Wheel button or press Shift twice to cancel the Morph.

Aquatic Morph

  • This form enables faster movement in the water.
  • When a character enters into deep enough water, they will turn into a designated aquatic form.
  • Press Shift + W, A, S, D to accelerate.
  • The stamina is spent while accelerating, and once you run out of stamina you will be exhausted.
  • Aquatic Morph will be canceled once the character is out of the water.
  • Click the Mouse Wheel button or press Shift twice to cancel the Morph.

Morph Progression

Once the Morph feature is unlocked, you will receive Growth Points. If you have a duplicate form, the latter will not receive the Growth Points. Collect enough Growth Points to level up. Buff effects are applied based on the current Growth Level. The effect will be applied only on the corresponding type of Morph.

Morph Lithograph Book

Collect certain forms required from the book to complete it and receive additional buffs. The Lithograph Book buffs are always active. The list can be accessed via “Morph -> Lithograph Book”


You can change your appearance by Shapeshifting. Select the target you want to turn into from the list and click Instant Morph to turn into the target. Attacking or interacting with others will cancel the currently active Shapeshift.

While you are shapeshifted, your name will be displayed differently, and NPC’s from the same species as your shapeshifted form will not attack you.

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