11 Second35 25 StaminaCounter
Defends against an attack. Deals 120% of Base Damage + 12 to the attacker upon defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, and 10% additional damage against Burning enemies. Creates a Damage over Time area within a 3m radius from the target, dealing 10% per second to all enemies in the area if the target is wet. Stacks Flowing Mana up to 3 times each time you defend against a Fury Attack, which lasts for 10s.
Flowing Mana Grants the following effects to the skills you use and disappears.For Lightning skills, increases Critical Hit by 20% per stack. For Fire skills, applies additional Enfeeble: Burning per stack. For other skills, decreases Mana cost by 6% per stack.
Projectile Damageâ–²
120% +12 145% +43
175% +74 210% +104
Mana Regen 18â–² added to Flowing ManaUpon defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s, restores 10% of Max Mana

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