11 Second35, 25, StaminaCounter
Defends against an attack. Deals 230% of Base Damage + 27, and Iron Point Parry changes to Murderous Draw after defending against a Fury Attack. Deals a damage and inflicts Stun for 3s with a 80% chance after defending against a Fury Attack within 0.5s.
Murderous Draw Deals 290% of Base Damage + 34 to enemies within 4m radius.
Iron Point Parry Weapon Damage
200% + 80% per grade increase
Iron Point Parry Bonus Damage
27 + 13/lvl

Murderous Draw Weapon Damage
250% + 100% per grade increase
Murderous Draw Bonus Damage
34 + 16/lvl
Counterattack Damage Bonus 50% â–²Damage of the next skill â–² by 11% upon defending against a Fury Attack

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